Fireblocks (, an institutional platform for securely moving blockchain-based digital assets announced today that it now moves more than $2.5 Billion in crypto per month since launching out of stealth mode in June.  In less than six months, Fireblocks has experienced a 400% increase in customer growth, and crypto transfer volumes are growing 150% month to month through the user interface and API.

The largest financial institutions in the crypto market, including Celsius, Amber AI, Genesis Global Trading, Galaxy Digital, Woorton, Dunamis, GSR, Blockfills and more, utilize Fireblocks to store and transfer digital assets across their entire ecosystem. Traditionally, these firms focus on protecting keys via cold storage or hardware wallets, but when speed comes into the equation, they are forced to re-evaluate their existing infrastructure.

“There are other good institutional wallet offerings on the market, but The Fireblocks’ Secure Transfer Environment is what makes us so unique,” explains Michael Shaulov, CEO and Co-Founder of Fireblocks. The Fireblocks Secure Transfer Environment gives financial institutions an ultra-secure account that connects to a high-speed payment network – this enables the swift and secure movement of blockchain-based digital assets between exchanges, counterparties, custodians, and customers.

Moving digital assets is a risky, complicated, and operationally intense job. Deposit addresses can be spoofed, hacked, or a human error can occur when transferring crypto, and you will find yourself either burning the asset or sending it to a hacker.

“We eliminated the main security issue of deposit addresses with our Secure Transfer Environment, which monolithically integrates into the Fireblocks MPC based wallet system. Even with a small operations team, our customers can move their digital assets 1000 times per day at the click of a button. They don’t have a fear of losing it to a hacker, rogue employee, or human error,” said Pavel Berengoltz, VP of R&D and Co-Founder of Fireblocks.

Today, Fireblocks supports 180+ tokens, including ERC 20 and customers have secure access to 23 exchanges. The platform is available via a user-friendly interface and REST API.

About Fireblocks

Fireblocks is an easy-to-use platform to create new blockchain based products, and manage day-to-day digital asset operations. Exchanges, banks, PSPs, lending desks, custodians, trading desks, and hedge funds can securely scale their digital asset operations through the Fireblocks Network and MPC-based Wallet Infrastructure. Fireblocks serves thousands of organizations in the financial, payments, and web3 space, has secured the transfer of over $4 trillion in digital assets and has a unique insurance policy that covers assets in storage & transit. Find out why CISOs and Ops Teams love.

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