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Brussels, Belgium | 8 - 11 July, 2024

Fireblocks @ EthCC [7]

The Fireblocks team will be in Brussels, Belgium, for Ethereum Community Conference and we have some exciting plans for you. Here are all the ways you can meet the team and learn more about our new products. If you're ready to see how to securely manage and scale your digital assets operations, connect with our team to see Fireblocks in action.


Age of Account Collaboration: EOA and SCA make friends again

  13:25 | Tuesday, July 9

Warcraft Stage

Arik Galanksy, VP Technology, Fireblocks

Fireblocks Presents

Blockchain Architecture on Stage

  15:00 | Monday, July 8

​​Fireblocks invites you to an exclusive half-day event tailored at the theatre for the EthCC community.

​We’ll be hosting an afternoon of workshops to support and educate technical practitioners and leaders, and to provide the fundamental knowledge for building robust and secure blockchain-based products.

Attend Happy Hour

Cheers to Lido x Fireblocks

  14:00 | Tuesday, July 9

​We invite you to raise a glass and celebrate the partnership between Lido and Fireblocks.

​Are you an institutional player? Join us at the exclusive Lido co-working space during EthCC to get a taste for Belgian beers and liquid staking, with Lido and Fireblocks.

Who you’ll meet from Fireblocks

    • Slava Serebrianniy

      Developer Relations Lead

    • Arik Galansky

      VP Technology

    • Ezra Solomon

      Corporate Strategy Manager

    • Derrick Plahar

      Director, Customer Growth & Strategic Alliance Sales, EMEA

    • Sheyda Afifi

      Senior Manager, Corporate Development & Strategy

    • Mindaugas Miskinis

      Sales Director

    • Sol Thornton

      Account Executive

    • Younes Sebti

      Sales Director

Ready for a deeper dive?

Get a Fireblocks Platform Demo

Find out how Fireblocks helps your digital asset business to grow fast and stay secure.

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